
So uh…anybody know how to achieve a heavily blurred background effect when letterboxing a video using AVFoundation, similar to what Apple does in the “Memories” videos it creates? I need to figure out a solution that will work for a bunch of clips merged together. ?


I’ve been thinking about how best to merge videos of opposite orientation in Snapthread. So far, I’m planning to letterbox/pillarbox with heavy blurring on either side by default. If switched off, the video will be cropped and I’ll attempt to center it.


If Nintendo made an N64 Classic, what would be your top 10 games? In no particular order:

  1. Donkey Kong 64
  2. Mario Kart 64
  3. Super Smash Bros.
  4. Mario Tennis
  5. Beetle Adventure Racing
  6. Diddy Kong Racing
  7. Mario Party
  8. Pokémon Snap
  9. Super Mario 64
  10. Ocarina of Time

My next task for Snapthread is to add support for landscape videos. I think what I’ll do is have the app “smartly” pick the best aspect ratio for your final video based on the clips you’ve chosen, but also give you the ability to manually change it (including 1:1). ?


Did anyone at Apple even try to use Control Center on the iPhone X while carrying a coffee, or a briefcase, or, I don’t know, a baby? I think I’m gonna have to yell about this until they change it.


How do I add multiple volume changes to an AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters instance? Using setVolume:atTime twice in a row is causing the first instruction to be ignored.


Indies: when you decide to run with a new app idea, what sort of prep do you do before you ever fire up Xcode? Prototype? Design sketches?


iOS 11 has already had two major effects on my iPad usage: 1) I feel delighted whenever I interact with it and 2) I want to use it more.


Currently preparing to submit my Nebraska app for review later tonight. This whole project took about five months longer than it needed to, but I’m proud of the finished product and hope people in my state will have fun with it!


Quick progress update: I’ve been treating Corgi Corral as sort of a SpriteKit/GameplayKit sandbox, as I really want to learn about everything these frameworks have to offer. Lately I’ve been exploring particle emitters, which means my winter scene now has falling snow and a small campfire! Next up: creating some more custom menu icons to reduce the amount of text in the game.