
I honestly long for the days I can open up my Xcode projects on my iPad and edit them. A toddler won’t let you hide behind a laptop for long. It’s way easier to carry an iPad around the house and make a little progress whenever I can.


TIL that requesting an AVAsset for a video in a user’s library returns an AVURLAsset unless the video is slow motion, in which case it returns an AVComposition. Guess I should have done more testing with slo-mo videos!


Every once in awhile I have to fight off the urge to go through my blog and delete old posts that I consider stupid or poorly written. I have to remind myself that they’re all part of the journey; I’m a better writer now than I was four years ago, and a better programmer too.


Making App Store screenshots involving a photo library is so hard. I always just use my own pictures, but they lack a certain polish. I could buy stock photos and put fake Live Photo badges on top them, but…ugh. I’d prefer a genuine screenshot, with real Live Photos.


Just completed two productive, frustration-free hours of writing code and now I remember why I enjoy this so much. The past week was full of weird bugs and lots of wasted time, but this feeling makes it worth it, at least to me. ?


In today’s edition of “Becky’s Dumb Programming Mistakes,” it’s a miracle you can even scrub videos at all in Snapthread because I forgot to actually hook up these two actions to the scrubber.
Screenshot of beginScrubbing and endScrubbiing functions


I also discovered a fun error message in the debugger about something called JVTLib that ended in at LEAST eight exclamation points. Something like: “Bit stream parsing error!!!!!!!!” (Sent with Raining Hellfire ☄️)


Hello. I just realized, after attempting to figure out a bug for nearly 5 hours (spread over the past couple days), that the problem only occurs in the Simulator. So if anyone is looking for me, just listen carefully for muffled sobs and murmurs about decoder errors…??


A moment ago I was writing a switch statement and read the regular Xcode warning as “Switch must be exhausting.”

Guess it’s time to go to bed!


A hearty “THANKS!” to everyone who has sent in Snapthread beta feedback so far. It looks like I have a lot of work to do! ? I think I narrowed down the cause of most of the “hanging/freezing with no progress” problems to some threading issues. I still have a sort of incomplete understanding of multithreading, but I’m confident I can get it sorted. Anyway, I’ll get back to you all as soon as I can. Thanks again!


Xcode should, by default, generate app icons for all sizes from a single artwork file. That would eliminate such an obvious pain point for app developers and designers.


One of my goals for 2017 was to make $1000 from selling apps on the App Store. I didn’t come close (~$200), so my goal for 2018 is just to work my tail off and continue to improve. It’s all I can do! That said, I’ll be looking for beta testers for Snapthread soon. ???