Inktober 2019, Day 24, “Dizzy”
The first thing that came to mind for this prompt was the one and only Dizzy Gillespie.

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Inktober 2019, Day 24, “Dizzy”
The first thing that came to mind for this prompt was the one and only Dizzy Gillespie.
Inktober 2019, Day 23, “Ancient”
This isn’t something that’s actually ancient, just something that feels ancient: a micro cassette containing an audio recording of me talking about my life when I was 8 years old.
Inktober 2019, Day 22, “Ghost”
Inktober 2019, Day 21, “Treasure”
Treasure takes on a different meaning when you’re three years old. ?
Inktober 2019, Day 20, “Tread”
Inktober 2019, Day 19, “Sling”
I’m not particularly good at portraits, but the only thing that came to mind when I saw the word “sling” was Charlie’s little friend Amy, who recently broke her arm on the playground. I traced the outline of her body and her eyes, nose, and mouth (because I knew I’d mess up the proportions).
Inktober 2019, Day 18, “Misfit”
Inktober 2019, Day 17, “Ornament”
Inktober 2019, Day 16, “Wild”
Inktober 2019, Day 15, “Legend”
My daughter turned one year old on Tuesday, so I got a bit behind on posting my doodles. This one’s based on the legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Inktober 2019, Day 14, “Overgrown”
Didn’t have much time today, so I tried to quickly draw an old tire in our yard that’s covered in weeds. It’s…not great, lol.
Inktober 2019, Day 13, “Ash”
I’m sure whoever came up with the official prompt list was probably thinking of something a little darker and spookier for this one, but…like…c’mon. ?
Inktober 2019, Day 12, “Dragon”
When I was a kid, Falkor the luck dragon was the best dragon. ?
Inktober 2019, Day 11, “Snow”
Inktober 2019, Day 10, “Pattern”